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Final Thesis: Conceptualizing a Management Accounting Solution for Inner Source Software Engineering
Abstract: Open Source represents a non-hierarchical and collective approach to software development, that has seen unprecedented success and rapid adoption across a multitude of fields. Inner Source is an attempt to siphon some of the advantages of the Open Source paradigm by applying it to internal closed development projects. However, the well-established uncontrolled and free-flowing…
Final Thesis: Aggregation of Communication Data for Inner Source Software Development
Abstract: Inner Source software development is becoming more popular and promises a lot of benefits to companies. Inner Source projects can involve distributed development teams, where communication management is challenging. There are tools like GrimoireLab for integrating and analyzing data of software projects. GrimoireLab only covers the integration of a small percentage of communication tools…
Final Thesis: Aggregation of Development Data for Inner Source Software Development
Abstract: Besides the Open Source approach for software, there is a steadily growing adoption of the Inner Source concept for projects in the software development domain. Inner Source promotes an Open Source way of thinking inside the boundaries of a company and enables closer collaboration and code reuse among different projects. To get a better…